Hi guys! It has been awhile since I last posted an entry to this blog. I'm sorry 'coz I've been very busy attending events and activities lately and I usually spend more time in my other personal blog.
So, what am I up to this time? Well, I've been attending running and advocacy events lately and now, I feel I'm becoming addicted to running already. Not really the marathon type, but more on running-for-advocacy type. So far, I've attended three advocacy runs/ fun runs for the past 2 months and I've enjoyed all of 'em.
So what do I get in running? And what will you get in running? Basically, it's for endurance and stamina. Even though I regularly go to the gym, the feeling of having to run an "extra mile" is more fulfilling. In the gym, you get to rest and sit down if you want to. In running, you would only want to go further. It's tiring at first but you only have to go with your pace. I tell you, there is always an improvement of the latest from the previous one.
Right now, I go to the gym every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and in between that (Tuesday and Thursday), I go running and jogging at the Sports Center Oval. It's a great exercise combination and I suggest you do the same thing.
I'm getting ready for another advocacy run on May 15. But for now, let me show you my previous run experiences. I hope you'll be motivated to go running too. :)
Abstain 2011 - My first 5K Fun Run
Abstain 2011 5K Fun Run is an effort made possible by Youth Unlimited Asia, Inc. to fight against health-risk behaviors such as smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, and unsafe sex. This first ever fun run brought by the said organization promotes healthy lifestyle and good health awareness.
Read more of my experience here.
5K CDO Night Run and Party was my first night run
My first time to run at night. Also, it’s an event for the World TB Day – A move fighting against Tuberculosis. Fitness and Advocacy in one!
Read more of my experience here.
Run For Japan - My First 10K Fun Run at Metro Manila
I was really excited to join this running event because it’s not only a fitness activity but an outreach program as well. All the proceeds of the said event will go to the Red Cross of Japan to help the victims of the recent calamities there.
Read more of my experience here.
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